NameCheap Shared Hosting shell_exec() error message

NameCheap Shared Hosting & Remote MX

I ran into an issue this week with a site I have hosted at on their shared hosting plans. has seen it fit to: “disabled sending any emails with the field ‘FROM’ containing [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes”...

jQuery goToByScroll()

This was a little JS snippet that was passed to me by a co-worker at Mannix Marketing, Inc. that allows you to build the UI into a scrolling page. Get the code… The original code is found here, where you can see a demo of the code. I have saved the code at...

Simple Tabs w/ CSS & jQuery

Well, since has been down for a while, I have lost access to some great resources. No fear, I have managed to get most of them back from – but what a pain that is; slow, slow, slow… Anyway, with credit where credit is due...
Conversion to HTML5 Experiment

Conversion to HTML5 Experiment

This morning, while the girls were napping, I took advantage of this time to take a first sincere look at HTML5 and attempted to recreate the theme of this website using HTML5 tags like <header />, <section /> and <footer />. You can see the result...