TEAM Charlotte: New Guestbook

We have added a guestbook to the blog which will allow visitors to the website leave messages for both Charlotte or Mommy and Daddy (or all of us!) You can reach this new page at or through the main navigation for...

Daddy Shaves His Head

Well, it’s Tuesday and Charlotte started to loose her hair last night.  I had always said that if Charlotte lost her hair, then I would shave my head.  So… today at lunch, that is what I did.  See the following before and after photos.

TEAM Charlotte: Fundraiser Update

Announced today are the pricing for the Team Charlotte Fundraiser, that will be held at Spare Time Bowling Alley, 166 Saratoga Ave (US Route 9), South Glens Falls, NY on Saturday, March 21, 2009 (1:00pm – 4:00pm). Admission Price: $20.00 includes...

TEAM Charlotte Fundraiser: March 21

The fundraiser event to show support for Charlotte and her family has been announced. SAVE THE DATE: March 21, 2009 Come join the fun and show your support for Charlotte and her family. Receive 2 games of bowling, see Melvin the Magnificent performing...

CHARLOTTE UPDATE: Headed back to Albany Med

Well, Charlotte didn’t drink anything again today. 🙁   And didn’t eat anything apart from a single spoonful of breakfast cereal, and then some mandarin orange slices in the afternoon. We called the clinic again from Granny and Poppa’s house...

CHARLOTTE UPDATE: Re-hydration at Albany Med

Well, Charlotte had not really drunk anything since Sunday, so this was starting to concern both of us.  She was also constipated and had not had a messy diaper since Sunday morning.  We had attempted to give her medication for the constipation, but this was...

CHARLOTTE UPDATE: February 15, 2009

Sorry for the lack of updates since the middle of the week.  JoAnn and I have both been sending updates to from our cellphones, so hopefully everybody that has FaceBook and has us listed as friends will have gotten these updates. Anyway… on...