Windows Vista with a CanoScan N650U Scanner

I have an older scanner, that is actually a very good device.  Unfortunately there are no Windows Vista drivers for this device, so I have been using it on my old Windows XP laptop – which has now become our bedroom Netflix player. So I set about trying to...

jQuery goToByScroll()

This was a little JS snippet that was passed to me by a co-worker at Mannix Marketing, Inc. that allows you to build the UI into a scrolling page. Get the code… The original code is found here, where you can see a demo of the code. I have saved the code at...

Simple Tabs w/ CSS & jQuery

Well, since has been down for a while, I have lost access to some great resources. No fear, I have managed to get most of them back from – but what a pain that is; slow, slow, slow… Anyway, with credit where credit is due...
Let me explain cricket… the easy way!

Let me explain cricket… the easy way!

There are two sides, one out in the field the other one in. Each man that’s in the side that’s in goes out, and when he’s out he comes in and the next man goes in until he’s out. When they are all out, the side that’s out comes in and the...
By Age 9 Our Children Should Know These 25 Manners

By Age 9 Our Children Should Know These 25 Manners

Manner #1 When asking someone for something, say “Please.” Manner #2 When receiving something, tell them “Thank you.” Manner #3 Unless there is an emergency do not interrupt grown-ups who are speaking with each other. They will notice you and...
Conversion to HTML5 Experiment

Conversion to HTML5 Experiment

This morning, while the girls were napping, I took advantage of this time to take a first sincere look at HTML5 and attempted to recreate the theme of this website using HTML5 tags like <header />, <section /> and <footer />. You can see the result...